I Seminar under the direction of S.Seki Shihan at Koinobori Dojo. June 02-09, 1996

I Seminar under the direction of S.Seki Shihan at Koinobori Dojo. June 02-09, 1996

The year 1996 was special: Koinoboro Dojo celebrated five years’ anniversary of its foundation. Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba and Hombu Dojo leaders deemed it possible to grant the Dojo’s request and send Seki shihan to Moscow to conduct the anniversary seminar.

And so the first seminar was under way. An unaccustomed task, a huge responsibility, numerous organizational difficulties… All Koinobori Dojo members realized: the choice had been made once and for good. Seki Sensei himself may have thought it to be a nonrecurring visit – but for Koinobori Dojo it was a decisive step, and we had to do our best to prove ourselves worthy of the sensei’s attention, so as to make the seimnar the beginning of a long journey together.


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